We have direct digital radiology of the highest definition to reach a reliable diagnosis with less radiation to your pet and a quick result.
Ultrasound is a very useful and non-invasive tool to visualize the abdomen, thorax and soft tissues in real time to have an accurate diagnosis. It helps us visualize the internal organs and evaluate them in a non-painful way and in a relaxed environment.
Echocardiography, also known as cardiac ultrasound, assesses the mechanical functioning of the heart by visualizing, evaluating and measuring the different cardiac structures and blood vessels. It is the definitive tool to achieve a correct diagnosis and treatment of the cardiovascular system (hypertension, heart murmurs, heart disease, etc.).
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Phone/Whatsapp: 622 33 01 77
Email: info@bitxos.info
Ctra. d’Alella, 12
08328 Alella, Barcelona
Mon – Fri: 9:30 – 20:00 / Sat: 9:30 – 13:00
Home care service