¡Hola! Hello! Health! Hallo! 你好!
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We are delighted to meet you… but don’t be surprised, so to begin with we will tell you a secret: we are more like animals than people. You are still here? Great, you are a Bitxos Lovers! We are going to understand each other 🙂 This is how we are: passionate, sincere, kind, perfectionists, stubborn, grateful and vital! And with a mission: That life with your pet is as healthy, happy and long as possible. How do we do it? Magic? No! We are professionals and scientists:

We are naturally VETERINARY


Laia Sabàt


Graduated in veterinary medicine in 2001 at the UAB. I am a lover and fan of nature, nutrition and sports. My favorite place in the world is always surrounded by animals both in the sea and in the mountains. I have been a clinical/surgery veterinarian for more than 20 years, always combining it with the medicine of working and sports dogs (pirena, mushing world championships, agility…).
Founding BITXOS in 2010 was the perfect union for me: bitxos everywhere, joy and dedication to something that I feel and that I am. Founding BITXOS in 2010 was the perfect union for me: bitxos everywhere, joy and dedication to something that I feel and that I am. I am fascinated by creativity and good vibes, that is why I am responsible for social networks, the club and events (canicross, yoga, paddle surfing…etc).

Britta Gwalani


Graduated in veterinary medicine from the University of Berlin, Germany in 2000. Doctorate at the small animal university hospital in 2002. Postgraduate degree in ophthalmology from the UAB (2004). I inherited my passion for medicine from my father, and founding Bitxos Veterinaris in 2010 was a dream come true. I love being able to be the link between the animals and the owners, helping and guiding them to find the best solution at all times and also working on something that I am passionate about! In my free time I enjoy family, my dogs, nature and cooking!
Founding BITXOS in 2010 was the perfect union for me: bitxos everywhere, joy and dedication to something that I feel and that I am. Founding BITXOS in 2010 was the perfect union for me: bitxos everywhere, joy and dedication to something that I feel and that I am. I am fascinated by creativity and good vibes, that is why I am responsible for social networks, the club and events (canicross, yoga, paddle surfing…etc).


Elisabeth Perez


I am a veterinarian who graduated in 2013 from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB). The subjects that I like the most are internal medicine and dermatology. My favorite place is in the laboratory looking at cytology under a microscope and among books, always behind the clients and the latest treatments. When I don’t work I loved traveling or climbing impossible peaks with my dog ​​Samba and enjoying the spectacular landscapes.

Irene Osés


I am a veterinarian graduated from the Autonomous University of Barcelona in 2019. Passionate about surgery and emergency medicine. Stubborn, close and a fighter, I never give up on a case. Passionate about sports and life (always with an “order”), my favorite place is in the operating room and my hobbies: doing pirouettes and playing with my cats.

Gemma Torres Ros

ATV / physiotherapist

Qualified in 1992 as a Veterinary Technical Assistant, I have 28 years of experience as an assistant. In 2017 I took the veterinary rehabilitation and physiotherapy course, I am currently studying veterinary acupuncture. Seva paciència, coneixements i mans l’han dut a peça clau dins la clinic in natural medicine, alternative treatments, acupuncture and physiotherapy. I am a person who needs little, with a big heart, always trying to understand the needs of others and their pets. With the experience and instinct for work as before. Outside the clinic you can find me taking kilometer walks with Rita, looking for mushrooms in the fall… or doing pilates La Gemma es la Gemma i tothom ho sap


Anna Gonzalez Martin


Graduated in 2014 in Veterinary Technical Assistant, Specialized in animal nutrition, clinical ethology and management of exotic animals. You will see me doing canicross races, castellera races or carrying a “fire beast” in Mataró, but above all enjoying the dream of my life: adopting a dog, KIBA! At the clinic you will find me inside the cages taking care of the hospitalized. All of you who know me will hug your animals as much as possible, I will always have a smile for everyone. I am the voice and link of the clinic with all of you

Tatiana Marcova


Before “Tati” arrives at the clinic you will always see her poodles… a bunch of bouncy furry balls that accompany her everywhere. Tati has a huge heart and an innate talent for skin and coat care. Always attentive to contests and exhibitions, our clients leave the salon in the latest fashion and with the best (veterinary) products to ensure the health of their dermis. As she says: the best thing about every day is working with dogs and cats, she has fulfilled her dream!
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